Monday, September 15, 2014

Upsides and downsides

It's Monday! ... yay? The only good thing about today is that i got all my homework (except one paper but it's almost done) so i don't have to worry about much of anything, homework wise. I have 2 hours to go grocery shopping, and work out, then i'll have to take my paper to my parents house and finish it. This is the downside of Andrew working till 9, well there really isn't any upsides.

My boss had an interview today, and she has one tomorrow. Can i tell you how excited i am? But there is also a downside to this, if she leaves... i'm basically in charge. I don't think i could be able to handle this, but i like being in charge, but I'll probably be leaving after this semester anyway. 
Andrew and i made banana bread this weekend, it's super good, hard not to pick at it. The downside to this is, it's going to my thighs, and after being married it's that much more of a struggle exercising in the mornings. Good thing i have Monday's and Fridays where i can sleep in :) but Tuesdays through Thursdays, oy vey. 
I'm hungry. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Social Suicide

Don't get me wrong i love being married. Being married is the only thing that gets me through the day. Well i should say knowing that i get to go home and see Andrew makes going to school worth it and wanting to leave my job. I need a degree!!! 

My days consist of 5-9 or 5-6, i bet you can guess which days i enjoy more. But as soon as dinner is cooked and over my nose is in the books, thanks to this overrated class called BIOL 1210. Now this is a level one class, biology basics. Why am I studying 12 hours a week? I have a 5000 level class that only takes up about 5 hours of my off time. It's pathetic. I'm sorry you live in a trailer and have no kids, don't make us come down to your level where biology is your life. (sorry not sorry professor)

Sheesh. Well i have a quiz tomorrow in this class. Someone throw me a bone, make dinner, pay for a lunch or write a paper for me. lol Good thing my husband is a chemistry genius, and smart with basically any subject.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I'm Engaged!

Wow, yesterday was so great! I don't even know where to begin!

Well i did get up and do some yoga and looked at wedding reception places which I think I found the one! Heritage Gardens is so pretty! Just 11 more weeks and I'll be there with Andrew!

Anyway earlier this week Andrew had asked if i wanted to go hike Lake Blanch since in the past he has never been able to get to the top because he hikes with people who are lame and burn out before the top. So i agreed! I did have an inclination that maybe he would propose, but it's not sentimental to us and he told me he hadn't gotten the ring and judging by his work schedule he really didn't have time to get it.

So right after work for him we drove up there and started hiking up. Now just to let you know it was super muddy but not hard to hike, until you got to the snow. It got so deep that there was a point that my leg went through and my leg went all the way in. LOL needless to say it was a little treacherous. But we did make a chicken friend.

Andrew had beat me to the top and I was still trucking behind panting and trying not to slip to my death.

Well i got to the lake and it was frozen but still gorgeous with all the snow there. He was standing up on top of the wall and I just walked over and sat down on it. I was beat.

He asked me to stand up on the wall with him. I thought maybe he just wanted me to enjoy the view too because he makes me do silly things like this a lot. So we just stood there for a bit then i saw out of the corner of my eye that he had knelt down. For a second i thought he was just joking because he said he would a few times. So i looked down at him but then he pulled out a box. I was shocked!

"Natalie. Will you marry me?" he asked.

"Yes, yes, yes! Of course YES!" I squealed. He just knelt there with the box and smiled.

"This is yours now," Andrew said. He took out the ring and proceeded to put it on my right hand.

"What're you doing?" I asked.

"Putting the ring on your hand."

"Haha this isn't my left hand sweetie."

"Oh well it's my left." He laughed.

Oh it was wonderful took some pictures and hiked back down. It was snowing while we were walking down, but not the annoying kind, just the kind that is pretty and doesn't stick to the ground. We were both so happy and giddy! We celebrated with Training Table and some Mystery Science Theater 3000, and we were so tuckered out we both fell asleep within minutes.

Anyway it was an awesome day! This was definitely blog worthy! The only downside to the day was i left my digital camera at the top! I was so excited that i left it on the wall and now it's snowing like crazy up there! I put up a notice at the trail head so hopefully someone might see it, but i think i might get fined if i keep it up there so... later today i'm going back to get it.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Good Stuff so far.

I mean life is going well, and of course I'm terrified that something bad is going to happen. I am just the most optimistic person ever. Maybe it's because i actually have finals this year. SHIZ!!

Comicon is this weekend and i'm reporting on it. I'm actually very nervous, it's something new and if i do a great job could really get my news and reporting out there, and if it sucks well it paints a bad picture for me. 

ADD moment: this rain is amazing. So is Mad Men season 6 so far... 

But i'm super excited to be at Comicon this weekend. Maybe i could actually make a name or myself and be famous? At least geeky Utah famous, and i can do what i love :) 

I'm also looking for a new car, there's a Hyundai Accent i looked at today and i LOVED IT! The only flaw is that it's a manual. I learned how to drive a stick and it didn't go bad but my parents think that i'm going to die by rolling backwards into something or die when it snows. But other than that i love the car. My heart is torn. Andrew says i should just buy it since it's my money and my car. 

Well it's 1:17 and i still want to finish this episode of Mad Men. I love this show. It's so great. And with this rain and lightening i am loving being alone in my room with the lights off and this computer is ruining it! Well actually i have to upload this video to YouTube so Comicon can upload it to their Facebook page. 

Is this semester over yet?!  

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cloud 9 - not Kate Perry style

I'm on cloud 9, and i have been since the end of Spring Break. I mean of course i was happy all of spring break because i was with Andrew the whole time and being absolutely spoiled by everyone AKA his dad and him. 

But i am just so happy! Came home got a scholarship that i didn't even apply for shhh! I've been exercising and running, going to the temple with me bestie on Saturday (btw Kim my sister has a shower at 11 so we have to go early. sorry.) 

School is going well so far, i mean all the nasty tests and projects start next week. I'm getting pumped because this fall i'm probably going to have to get a new job, i know strange i'm excited for that.

Plus i have more big news that i am not going to discuss in this blog. 
Anyway legs are dead, need to shower and do my laundry, waiting for Andrew to get done doing homework. I'm freezing... aaaaaand Patty Kane is out for two weeks. swell. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Andrew's Ethical Rant

I just thought it was funny and i wanted to save it so:

When looking to solve my ethical problems I turn to my moral principles. Obviously there is a moral code that is given to everyone, there are very obvious decisions that have consequences that are bad that I wouldn't want to be involved in it. Then there’s the curious case of Benjamin button.This epic tale clearly outlines the growing issues of equal rights for all dinosaurs. The constitution clearly states that all are created equal. Under this clause it is evident that dinosaurs, as well as zombies, should be given fair treatment under the law. Discrimination in any form is unethical. Arguments could be made that dinosaurs do not qualify as people, especially given their involvement in the invasion of Malaysia. However, these claims are unfounded given the assistance they gave to the United States during the Martian invasion of ’79. One must also remember our own dark history with the Japanese concentration camps from WWII. At the time it seemed necessary and was even acceptable, however, with hindsight its clear how wrong that was. Could one say that the same will be said of our treatment of dinosaurs in fifty years? In addition, Michael Jordan can jump really far, and that scares small prairie dogs who lack the intelligence to practice good road safety. Darth Vader once said, “Join me and together we’ll rule the galaxy.” This clearly delineates our future if we join with the dinosaurs rather than discriminate against them. In short, discrimination is unethical and people who discriminate are stupid and should be sent to hell and eaten by carnivorous plants. 

Monday, February 17, 2014


Yeah it was awesome. It's insane how much that boy loves me. I mean I love him too, it's just a whole thing for me having a guy that'll spend so much money on me, and pamper me. Josh was for away so i'm not used to him being here all the time.
BUT I LOVE IT!!! I love having Andrew here and he's so amazing, smart and funny

OK fine i will.

But i'm a helpless romantic and i never could have imagined what he did for me Friday night. Anyway he got me a little late but he told me to dress up nice. I looked as best as i could but of course he's Andrew and looks good in anything. Showed up at my house with a dozen roses and i just died.

I've never gotten flowers from a guy True story. He knew it, but still it was so flattering. Anyway we went back to his house and he had set up a candle light dinner. He had made appetizers and had Michael Buble playing (that i actually put on later lol)  He had a letter for me and a gift sittin by my plate. We sat down and i pretty much rambled on but every time I looked up... OK i shouldn't be too sappy. 

But the gift was a locket and he had put a picture of both of us in it. There's meaning behind that but i feel absolutely ridiculous talking about it. It's so sappy but so wonderful at the same time. I was speechless after i saw the locket and read the note that went with it. Then after dinner he danced with me and i didn't expect that from him. 

After that we watched The Artist and well i couldn't stop smiling for about 48 hours. Still wearing the necklace and keeping a smile on my face. Yeah I'm head over heels for that boy!

Monday, February 3, 2014

feeling blessed

I don't really get to brag about how awesome of a life i have. I mean yeah it has it's rough times and i worry and get a bit of an anxiety attack but really my life right now is where i need to be at. 
Tonight Andrew and i were watching Sherlock and we just started talking because we were going over things we might find annoying about each other, and really the things i find annoying or things that bothered me about Andrew were things when we started dating, now he's just the most amazing guy i've ever met, and i still don't understand why Heavenly Father is letting me date him. There is so much i could write about him, but i don't want to bore any of you. 

I'm in school, i'm at a University working on a degree where i can do what i love! This semester i get to cover Comic Con i mean how cool is that?! I nerd fest where i belong and getting to write about it! 

Training for the half marathon is a pain, really running 7-13 miles a day is pretty hard, but i feel so good after i exercise! i did only 7 today but i'm able to run! Because of my hard work at losing weight and being healthy, i have the endurance to run and to do push ups, sit ups, i feel great! 

I really do have incredible friends. I take them for granted for sure, but they are there for me through thick and thin. I know if i need to cry and have some girl time and eat junk food time i can call Kim. If i need someone to work out with and hate men with i have Whitnie. Jen even though she's married texts me everyday just to make sure i'm eating correctly and pushes me to work harder and run harder. Aaron is an idiot but he's a very reasonable guy who listens and will play hours of brawl wil me. 

Most of all i have a temple recommend. Now i know the temple here in Salt Lake is closed till Presidents Day, but i am a member of a religion that helps me recognize these blessings in my life. I get to be sealed with my family forever, and my future sweetheart which will most likely be Andrew. It makes me a better person and i can help build up people around me. Say what you want about the LDS church, but it only does good. 
Anyway it's 1 in the morning and i just wanted to share this. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Just Waiting

Really, i'm just waiting for my mom to come watch Downton Abbey. I dunno what it is with this show but i just have to know what's going on. Oh and Sherlock, which i'm the only fan of in my house so unless i can snatch the TV  before the others i won't be able to watch it. 

School this semester is a breeze.... so far. Only three classes which one is online, and the others only require homework twice a week. It's not bad at all.. 

And i still get alone time with Andrew. Craziness that we've been dating for four months. It's crazy to me honestly.

Not that it's like "Oh my gosh it's been forever"

But the fact that we spend every day with each other. Except today because he had a missionary thing. Which makes me sad because I had to stay at home for FHE and he went abroad. But i get to see him anyway tomorrow. 

Well i just ate two huge cupcakes and the running and P90x i did today were just totally canceled out. Dang my love of sugar!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Best and Worst of 2014

This year has been insane honestly! So much changed in my life in a matter of 365 days! But a lot of good and bad things happened like when I got eaten by a shark or when pacman gave me his favorite pillow pet. - Andrew wrote all of that! well... the funny part.


1. Horrible break up - guy wasn't very classy about it, lets move on. 

2. Fender bender, out 700 dollars. UGH!

3. Failing German - lets not touch that. 

4. Finding interviews - the only hard part of last semester. 

5. The Jazz doing horribly this year. Kevin O'connor, can you learn how to find draft picks? 

6. Car repairs - pretty sure i spent 1000 dollars again on Oz. 

7. Not getting the job at Chase. 

8. Not being able to get the job that pays 16 dollars an hour. Dang school. 

9. Paying for school!

10. Baking cakes for everyone and work and not getting one!!!!!!


Oh man the good! 

well now that i wrote about the bad it's kind of hard to think of the good lol

1. Two months after breaking up with him a life long friend decided he wanted me to be his. And boy has this three and a half months been awesome! So Andrew is the best thing that happened in 2013!

2. In August I got my first nephew :) He's so cute and i don't even know how Rachel can not hug and kiss him all the time. Oh little Kolby!

3. The premiere of The Hobbit with Kimi was hilarious. Oh man running into the po po and laughing till we cried was so fantastic!

4. Going to St George with Andrew and meeting his adorable family was so much fun as well! A week being able to stay up all hours of the night with your best friend, oh yes!

5. Being on Newsbreak was a lot of fun to! Being able to do what i want to do in the future and get hands on experience was so much fun! 

6. The oh so many hikes i went on with "the crew" and with my gurl Whitnie! 

7. Starting p90x lol yeah this is a highlight. It's what i wake up to everyday.


9. One of my best friends got married :) I loved being her maid of honor! Connor you are one lucky dude!

10. Of course began my life as a University of Utah student! How my life became that much more complicated. 

Well that's it. Hope you made the list ;)