Monday, February 27, 2012

Drama to FUN!

Wow if you haven't heard the stories of my new job then you obviously don't talk to me that much. Such drama. I mean I've been there for less then a month and wow tension! I mean I want to still be friends with the guy but he's acting like a 4 year old. So I didn't kiss you big whoop. I try to say hi to him but...
That's how it goes down. Fine be that way, i try to make amends. You obviously only wanted to me "friends" because you wanted to do more then be friends. But now that you can't have that you don't want to be friends.

In other news my friend Ryan is breaking up with his long distance girl friend. I am proud of him. She was being selfish and not giving him the attention he deserves. He is so awesome! I am sad for his loss but I mean c'mon the girl wasn't giving him the attention he deserved. It's not fair for him to have to wait for her! Long distance relationships suck in the first place and yeah it's hard to stay committed when there are other options around you. If you're not gonna share the feelings of the relationship meaning not gonna put your effort into the long distance relationship then you suck because there's a guy over seas who's faithfully waiting. He was so great to her, and look what had to happen. But poor guy, he was in love with this girl, IN LOVE like totally thought they were gonna get hitched. I really want to punch her in the face. YOU BROKE HIS HEART!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The First Week

Well this new job is easy, but hard at the same time.
First day was literally the biggest pain in my butt. I was so used to doin' my own thing, walking around and at the Lion House you didn't sit. But here at Buyplumbing all you do is sit, and sit for 8 hours! By the end of my first day I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head.

Like seriously as soon as it hit 5 PM I am out of there
But now I am growing to like this job. I get to listen to my iPod all day, and I can text just as long as it doesn't get in my work. I get an hour break, and I don't really have to deal with customers all the time. Overall the pay is nice, and so far the people I have meet have been fabulous!
I do come home with a headache pretty much everyday from staring at the computer, but when I get my first paycheck, it'll be all worth it.