Um... yeah him and i have been going out the past 4 weeks. So i reply, "what do you mean?" Of course i know what he means, but I wasn't sure what he was implying. "I feel like I'm taking you away from your friends." "Not at all why do you think that?" "Because we've been hanging out every weekend." "Yeah so? I don't hate it, do you?" The way that was texted probably sounded pissed, but i wasn't. I just hate guys mind games. So retarded. Who's with me?!
To continue "No, I love it! I Just worry about your friends." Anyway we concluded we like hanging out with each other and we want to go out this weekend again. I told him I'd plan it this time. I have no idea what to do. Should be interesting. He told me he likes talkin to me and hanging out with me. Kids is still the most quiet kid ever, but we'll see how things go. I still have a hard time trusting him, but people change right? He needs some growing up to do. But then again I REALLY want to take his VL. Does that make me a bad person?