I'm not sure what to write. But it's been a good year... well some of it.
I had an awesome internship with KSL and got a job out of it! I love working there (when i'm there) and it has helped me know what I REALLY want to do as a career. (my picture was on my last day)
I completed P90X3, I didn't lose a lot of weight, but I suck at dieting. Sorry Tony.
However getting the new job also helped me lose my job at Standard Plumbing. My boss was kind enough to leave me a voice mail telling me that they couldn't work with the on-call schedule and had to let me go... after 5 years. Don't ever let go of an employee over a voicemail, especially if they've worked their school schedule around yours AND offered to quit so that they didn't have to take more time off.
But after losing that job I got a job as a waiter at Olive Garden. A part of me has always wanted to try being a waiter and since I've been one, it's really one of the hardest things I've done. I have made such fun friends all of them totally different. We may have different opinions on things and live different lives, but we all get along because we all share in the feeling of being poor. Also I learned the importance of tipping.
I graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelors degree in Communications with a track in journalism. I have way too much freedom now. unless I'm working of course.
I also completed the Insanity workout. Two months of CRAZY cardio with my man Saun T. He's become one of my favorite trainers. Tony Horton still has my pledge though.
Also can we just plug in that I met Chris Evans....oh and James and Oliver Phelps. Sweet lads.
Andrew surprised me with a trip to Disneyland! Oh my goodness can we just take in how much fun that was? We have two things we want to do before we have kids, one is going to Disneyland (this is more my thing) and the other is a trip to Europe - and lets hope we have the money.... stupid tuition.

We ended the year though with the sad passing of my opa. Such a wonderful man in every way. He loved everyone and if he did have something negative to say (which was rare) he'd at least say it in a kind way. He loved the gospel, he loved his family, he loved his work and he loved his wife dearly.
Well this was my year in...1..2...3....4....8 paragraphs.
Since I have more time on my hands I'll probably post more often. I have a journal and well that's where I put my feelings.
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