It's Monday! ... yay? The only good thing about today is that i got all my homework (except one paper but it's almost done) so i don't have to worry about much of anything, homework wise. I have 2 hours to go grocery shopping, and work out, then i'll have to take my paper to my parents house and finish it. This is the downside of Andrew working till 9, well there really isn't any upsides.

My boss had an interview today, and she has one tomorrow. Can i tell you how excited i am? But there is also a downside to this, if she leaves... i'm basically in charge. I don't think i could be able to handle this, but i like being in charge, but I'll probably be leaving after this semester anyway.

Andrew and i made banana bread this weekend, it's super good, hard not to pick at it. The downside to this is, it's going to my thighs, and after being married it's that much more of a struggle exercising in the mornings. Good thing i have Monday's and Fridays where i can sleep in :) but Tuesdays through Thursdays, oy vey.

I'm hungry.
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