Before we begin I'm not where I would like to be, but everyday is an improvement.
The weight gain started to happen around sophomore year of high school. I had started a job at The Lion House Pantry and was allowed to eat pretty much whatever I wanted to there. Breaded chicken, pies, cookies, buttery potatoes and dressing loaded salads were in my reach and I took advantage of it. I was used to eating a lot because I played competitive soccer and needed the energy, but as soon as I quit, my health conscience mind turned off.

I played some basketball in high school, but it was embarrassing putting on the uniform that was tight on me, not to mention the low self esteem grew from not being asked to dances, being bullied by kids that people thought were angels and having friends that weren't into the health scene. As much as I acted like I was happy with life in high school, I honestly thought I was a mcfatty, and I really hated not feeling I could wear cute clothes or make my hair cute like the other girls. I have a wide round face, so finding any hair style was odd, plus I didn't feel like make up could fix anything.
I continued to work at the Lion House and well decided one day I would just start running. I knew I could, I had the energy to do it. Heck I ran so much playing soccer. I couldn't even run a mile! I was out of breath by the time I reached the top of the street. But everyday I did this short run around my neighborhood. Eventually I was able to fun over three miles and I felt good about myself. I wasn't paying attention to the scale, so I'm not sure how much weight I was loosing, but it made me feel good. My food choices were the same though. I could definitely go on a hike and eat a whole pizza when I was done.
Well one day at school, my friend that I worked with at the Lion House asked if I wanted to run a half marathon. What the crap?! A HALF MARATHON?! THAT'S 13 MILES! By this time I was in college and had the time to train, but I'm a competitive person so I agreed. I was running up to 10 miles a day, but that's when my friend blew out her knee, so now I was just running for the heck of it.
In preparation I stopped drinking soda and eating out a lot. And to this day when I eat out, it's a salad, and I rarely have soda. I went through a Mt. Dew phase but that's over. But then....
Another friend of mine heard the news and asked if her and I could do the Salt Lake Half Marathon together. Finally back on track to racing.
Now I know for sure at my biggest I was 185 pounds, this was my junior year of high school. When I ran the half marathon I went down to 165. I loved this! I wasn't in a size 14 anymore I was in a size 10. I was on a high I needed more. That's when we come back to asking someone if they had the P90X work out. I heard it was tough, and that's what I was looking for.
So Tony Horton and I found each other, well I found him. The work outs were tough, I wasn't used to weights. I'd still run at least 3 miles a day with the work outs, unless it was plyometrics but i was losing weight again. So I believe that was 165-160. I gained muscle and ran another marathon. I shed 20 minutes off my last time. HURRAY!
I stuck with P90X for 2 years, doing the lean routine and the classic routine. I loved it, and I loved it so much my family got tired if me talking about it. I did that for a while getting down to 155.
Got married, but I never wanted to become one of those fat wives after you get married. So I bought P90X3 since at this time I had a full time job and school and had little time to work out. P90X3 honestly didn't do much for me, but again wasn't dieting like I should.
I can do a sloppy version of that. ^^
Then came Insanity! Glorious Shaun T! I borrowed the DVD's from a friend and started my Insanity journey. That was one tough cookie. So much cardio. But I could see results and my husband could too. That work out brought me down to 150 where I'm currently sitting. There are days where the scale says 145 or 152, but I'm around that range. I followed up that work out with Insanity Asylum and a hybrid of Insanity Asylum and P90X.
So to present day. I'm in a size six, I run everyday 3-5 miles, and I'm back to P90X, but with some Insanity involved. I'm really trying hard to change how I eat. I have a serious addiction to chocolate, my craving always comes around 7:30 PM, not sure why.
I'm not a strict eater, but I'll always choose the healthiest option. I allow myself to have a treat every day, but not a huge one, just something like a little dark chocolate Dove piece. I eat either a veggie egg white omelette for breakfast or corn flakes with a banana (depending on the work out I did), I eat every three hours and the only compromise I have is a cheat meal I have on Saturdays, plus I get a shake or an ice cream cone.
I struggle don't get me wrong. It's still a journey, and it's one that will lead me to my ultimate goal. We'll see how I look after InsanityX (that's what i call it). I can see results already so cross your fingers.