So here i am in class and it's News Writing so i basically have the right to write.... that sounded weird. Plus i'm sure everyone wants to hear about my California excursion with the boyfriend, who i still miss very much and inside feeling totally like...
But i tell him everyday i'm totally fine and he says the same but he even admitted to crying on the way home after dropping me off at the airport, basically crying to Piano Man by Billy Joel. Poor kid. Ugh i miss him. I MISS HIM! I can't handle it. I feel so ridiculous. I hate long distance.
But yes i made it home alive, and a virgin, not sure why my parents didn't think i couldn't come home still temple worthy, especially with a guy who tells me everyday that i mean the world to him. Which makes long distance harder because i feel the same about him. Moving fast much?
So here i am. We went to Chico, Fort Bragg, uh... didn't make it to the Red Woods which my brother in law blames on making out which isn't true. We got lost, it's California, be nice.
We did stay at his dad's house i Bangor which was awesome, so many stars at night and you could hear the frogs! Pretty sure his family was freaked out when i told them i was excited that i heard frogs. Hey you can't hate. I'm a city girl we hear cars, and crickets... that's about it.
OH and i just found out I had an assignment worth 10% of my grade due over the break lol good thing no one else did it.
I have to much to write, but sadly class is starting. PLEASE people I need to hang out with people ti keep me distracted... if i'm not doing homework... or getting ready for next semester. Crap. I hate school. FML!
and FINALLY my hickey is fading!