Saturday, January 14, 2012

Ode to the 5

Eating mini oranges is always grand. Watching Captain America, and now Pirates 4 is also grand. But today we were talking (meaning my soroity girls and I) were talking of our guiltless 5. This is my ode to those guiltless 5. These are not in order, but these are the 5. Please don't be offended if you did not make the list.

1. Jude "I want you in my pants" Law

2. Joseph "Why you leave me wanting more" Gordon-Leavitt
3. Michael "Your music melts my heart" Buble
4. Donald "I want to marry you everytime i see you" O'Connor
5. James "Your accent swoons me" McAvoy

There ya go :) Kind of teenagerish but they are 5 very beautiful men that i will never obtain. Well i have a better chance with Matthew, but whatever haha! Time for bed. That took an hour to narrow down the 5.

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